Diversity & Inclusion

Diversity & Inclusion Program

  1. Introduction
  2. Governance and Leadership
  3. Diversity and Inclusion Policies
  4. Workplace Environment
  5. Education and Training
  6. Talent Acquisition and Retention
  7. Community Engagement and Social Responsibility
  8. Supplier Diversity Program
  9. Monitoring and Reporting
  10. Continuous Improvement



Section 1: Introduction

Statement of Commitment

At EPD Architecture & Interiors, we think that inclusivity and diversity are essential for innovation, creativity, and commercial success in addition to being moral requirements. We are dedicated to creating an atmosphere where everyone is given the chance to contribute to the best of their abilities and where different points of view are respected. Our commitment to diversity and inclusion is evident in every aspect of our work, including the formation of our teams, project design, and partner selection.

Program Objectives

The objectives of our Diversity and Inclusion Program are to:

  1. Encourage an inclusive culture in the workplace: Establish a setting where people of different backgrounds are welcomed and appreciated.
  2. Promote Diversity in Our Workforce: Make sure that our tactics for hiring, training, and retaining employees draw in and assist people with a wide range of experiences, viewpoints, and backgrounds.
  3. Encourage Diverse Collaborations and Supplier Relationships: Assert a commitment to a Supplier Diversity Program that allows us to collaborate with a variety of companies, expanding our influence and network.
  4. Include Diversity and Inclusion in Our Core Operations: Incorporate the concepts of diversity and inclusion into our day-to-day operations, our decision-making procedures, and our corporate social responsibility.
  5. Promote Innovation and Creativity: Make the most of the varied skills and viewpoints present in our company to promote innovation and provide excellent design solutions that satisfy the demands of our varied clientele and communities.

Being an international company, we realize the value of appreciating and celebrating the uniqueness that each location has to offer. Our offices and teams are spread across Australia, China, Africa, Europe, and Southeast Asia. Our strategy for diversity and inclusion is both global in scope and locally applicable, guaranteeing that we honor and capitalize on the distinctive cultural subtleties and variety of every market we serve.

With this program, we are committing to a journey of ongoing learning, development, and advocacy for diversity and inclusion rather than just a collection of regulations. We are aware that creating a culture that is really inclusive calls for constant work, receptivity to change, and a readiness to share knowledge and listen to one another. Our goal is to create an environment at EPD Architecture & Interiors where people can flourish and feel like they belong, in addition to being a place to work and create.


Section 2: Governance & Leadership 

Leadership Commitment

At EPD Architecture & Interiors, we understand that strong leadership and management are essential to the accomplishment of our diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives. At every level of our organization, our leaders actively participate in establishing an inclusive culture that values diversity, rather than just advocating for it.

  • Executive D&I Council: Senior leaders from a range of disciplines within our company have formed an Executive D&I Council. This council is in charge of establishing strategic D&I goals, making sure they are in line with our overarching business goals, and keeping an eye on their advancement.
  • D&I Ambassadors: We designate D&I Ambassadors in each of our international offices. These are those who have proven to be very dedicated to diversity and inclusiveness. They collaborate closely with the Executive D&I Council to put D&I ideas into action, customize them for regional settings, and strive to involve every employee in the process.

Policies and Accountability

  • Integration of D&I Policies: From client engagement tactics to human resources procedures, our D&I policies are interwoven throughout every facet of our business operations. In order to incorporate the most recent D&I best practices, these policies are routinely reviewed and updated.
  • Accountability Measures: For the D&I objectives, we have clearly defined accountability measures. This entails establishing clear, quantifiable objectives for leadership and integrating diversity and inclusion measurements into performance reviews. It is the duty of leaders at all levels to advance diversity and inclusion, assist diverse teams, and meet their D&I goals.

Training and Development

  • Leadership Diversity and Inclusion Training: Every leader at EPD Architecture & Interiors completes extensive D&I training. Through this program, they will get the information and abilities necessary to effectively lead diverse teams, comprehend unconscious prejudice, and establish a work climate where each person is treated with respect and value.
  • Mentorship and Sponsorship Programs: We think that these initiatives can help us achieve our diversity and inclusion objectives. Our initiatives aim to find and nurture gifted individuals from marginalized communities, giving them the encouragement, exposure, and chances they require for success.

Open Dialogue and Continuous Learning

  • D&I Forums and Workshops: Frequent forums and workshops promote candid conversations on diversity and inclusion among staff members. These meetings provide a forum for learning, experience exchange, and conversation on overcoming obstacles and prejudices.
  • Feedback process: We have put in place a strong feedback process that enables staff members to share their ideas, worries, and D&I-related experiences. This input is crucial for ongoing development and guarantees that our leadership strategies continue to be adaptable and successful.

Our goal is to fortify our diversity and inclusion practices and establish an environment where all employees, irrespective of their background, can prosper. To achieve this, we emphasize clear policies, committed leadership, and a constant learning process. In the architecture and interior design sectors, EPD Architecture & Interiors is committed to setting precedent by showing that a strong commitment to diversity and inclusion is not just the right thing to do, but also an intelligent approach for fostering success and innovation.



Section 3: Diversity and Inclusion Policies 

The fundamental policies that direct our interactions, choices, and tactics at EPD Architecture & Interiors are ingrained with our dedication to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace. Our commitment to creating an atmosphere where each person feels appreciated, respected, and free to realize their greatest potential and express their creativity is reflected in these policies.

  • Overview of Policy: Our company has a strong equal opportunity and non-discrimination policy. This policy guarantees that all hiring, and promotion choices are made on the basis of qualifications, competencies, and merit. Age, gender, color, ethnicity, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, handicap status, veteran status, marital status, or any other trait protected by relevant law are all grounds for discrimination that we will not accept.
  • Execution: We have set up precise processes for reporting, looking into, and dealing with any claims of discrimination in order to preserve this policy. This guarantees all workers a courteous and safe work environment.

Affinity and Support Groups

  • Empowering Employee Networks: Recognizing the importance of community and support, we encourage the formation of affinity and support groups within our firm. These organizations give workers a place to network, communicate, and encourage one another if they have similar identities or experiences.
  • Leadership Support: A member of our leadership team sponsors each affinity group, making sure that these organizations receive the resources, visibility, and executive support they need to succeed.

Inclusive Policies and Practices

  • Flexible Working Arrangements: We recognize that each of our employees has unique demands and circumstances in their personal lives. This diversity is considered by our flexible working arrangements policy, which provides choices including part-time schedules, remote work, and flexible hours.
  • Mental Health and Wellbeing: We are dedicated to promoting our employees’ mental health and wellbeing as part of our inclusion efforts. We provide access to resources and programs that promote emotional and psychological wellbeing.

Continuous Policy Review

  • Adaptation and Improvement: Our diversity and inclusion policies are dynamic, ever evolving in response to fresh perspectives, employee input, and shifting social standards. To make sure our policies continue to be applicable, efficient, and in line with our diversity and inclusion goals, we are dedicated to periodically reviewing and revising them.
  • Employee Involvement: We continuously improve our D&I rules based on input from our employees. We welcome feedback from every team member regarding how we can improve our procedures and policies to better promote inclusion and diversity.

EPD Architecture & Interiors is committed to creating a work environment that actively encourages diversity and inclusion in all facets of our business operations, in addition to valuing these concepts through our policies and practices. Our D&I policies serve as the foundation for a culture of respect, empowerment, and belonging, ensuring that we continue to attract, develop, and retain the best talents from all backgrounds.



Section 4: Workplace Environment 

At EPD Architecture & Interiors, we believe encouraging creativity, teamwork, and wellbeing all depend on having a welcoming and inclusive work atmosphere. Our procedures and regulations are intended to foster an environment where each worker feels appreciated, understood, and free to provide their best effort.

Flexible Working Arrangements

  • Policy Overview: We provide flexible working arrangements that take into account a range of living circumstances and work styles in order to suit the unique demands of our employees. With choices for remote work, flexible scheduling, and online meetings, our team members may retain productivity and engagement while achieving a healthy work-life balance.
  • Implementation: Managers collaborate closely with their teams to customize work schedules that satisfy individual and organizational requirements, making sure that flexibility doesn’t compromise our collaborative culture or the caliber of our projects.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

  • Commitment to Wellbeing: We are dedicated to offering our employees the tools and assistance that enhance their psychological, emotional, and physical wellbeing since we understand how important mental health is. This includes efforts to reduce workplace stress, wellness programs, and access to mental health resources.
  • Education and Awareness: We often hold seminars and workshops on stress reduction, resilience building, and mental health awareness. Our intention is to foster a culture in which staff members are at ease asking for help and having candid, stigma-free conversations about mental health.

Inclusivity in Design

  • Diverse Viewpoints in Projects: Our dedication to diversity and inclusion reaches right to the core of what we do, which is our work in design. We believe combining different points of view produces more creative, inclusive, and successful design solutions. To ensure that our designs accurately reflect the varied needs and values of the communities we serve, we urge our project teams to contribute their distinct perspectives.
  • Engagement with Clients and Communities: We aim for inclusivity not only within our teams during project execution, but also in our interactions with clients and communities. In order to make sure that our work is equitable, easily accessible, and sensitive to the requirements of all users, we regularly solicit feedback from a wide range of stakeholders.

Safe and Respectful Workplace

  • Zero Tolerance for Harassment: Any form of harassment or discrimination is strictly prohibited at EPD Architecture & Interiors. Our workplace is a safe and respectful place for everyone, and we have clear protocols in place for reporting and dealing with such behavior.
  • Diversity Training: All staff members take part in recurring diversity and inclusion training including subjects like effective communication, cultural competency, and unconscious bias. This training helps us in our continuous endeavor to create a more polite and understanding work environment.

With these initiatives, EPD Architecture & Interiors hopes to foster an environment at work that enhances not just our workers’ personal and professional development but also our team’s overall efficacy and creativity. Every individual can flourish in a truly inclusive workplace, as we recognize, and we are dedicated to bringing that vision to life for every member of our team.


Section 5: Education and Training 

At EPD Architecture & Interiors, we understand that promoting a culture of diversity and inclusion (D&I) inside our company requires continual learning and development. By providing our staff with the information and abilities they need, we hope to foster a culture that values diversity and actively embraces it, using it to spur creativity and development.

D&I Training for All Employees

  • Comprehensive Programs: To increase knowledge, dispel prejudices, and foster inclusive attitudes within our company, we provide a variety of D&I training programs. These courses address issues including allyship, inclusive leadership, cultural competency, and unconscious bias.
  • Implementation: To ensure that everyone, from new hires to senior executives, understands their role in establishing an inclusive workplace, frequent training sessions are held and necessary for all employees.

Specialized Leadership Training

  • The Role of Leadership in D&I: We provide our management and executive teams specific training because we understand that leaders have a significant impact on forming the culture of our company. The main objectives of this program include effective approaches to managing D&I issues, building inclusive environments, and managing diverse teams.
  • Empowerment and Accountability: Through this training, our leaders learn to empower their teams, hold themselves and others accountable for D&I objectives, and drive positive change within the organization.

Skill Development Workshops

  • Developing Skills for Inclusivity: We provide training on subjects like effective communication, empathy development, and intercultural conflict resolution to assist our staff in gaining the abilities required to function well in a diverse workplace.
  • Promoting Participation: To foster personal development and improve team dynamics, all employees are strongly urged to take part in these sessions. These workshops offer useful resources and methods for embracing diversity in the workplace and navigating it.

Continuous Learning and Feedback

  • Ongoing Education: We are dedicated to giving our staff members access to online resources, invited lecturers, and external seminars covering diversity and inclusion.
  • Feedback Mechanism: We actively seek participant feedback to make sure our training and education programs are impactful and relevant. Future program development is influenced by this input, which also enables us to modify our approaches to better suit the changing demands of our workforce.

EPD Architecture & Interiors is committed to developing a workforce that is not only conscious of the value of diversity and inclusion but also has the abilities and know-how to contribute to a truly inclusive workplace. To this end, we provide extensive education and training programs. We think that by supporting our employees’ ongoing education, we can cultivate a climate of mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation that is crucial to our success as a team.


Section 6: Talent Acquisition and Retention

Our strategy for attracting and retaining talent at EPD Architecture & Interiors relies on diversity and inclusion (D&I). Since we think that an eclectic team encourages a rich culture of innovation and originality, we are dedicated to inviting, nurturing, and keeping talent from all walks of life.

Inclusive Hiring Practices

  • Enhancing Talent Pools: We make a concerted effort to broaden our talent pools through partnerships with a wide range of recruitment channels, such as underrepresented group-focused organizations and platforms. This strategy guarantees that we draw in a diverse pool of applicants with a diversity of backgrounds and viewpoints.
  • Bias-Free Recruiting: We want to reduce unconscious bias in our recruitment procedures. This includes the utilization of diverse hiring panels, organized interviews, and training on bias awareness for all hiring managers. Our goal is to make sure that the employment decisions we make are founded on merit, abilities, and capacity to push forward the objectives of our business.

Career Development and Progression

  • Customized Development Plans: It strongly encouraged that each employee at EPD Architecture & Interiors work with their management to construct a tailored development plan. These plans are made to match each person’s desired career path with the requirements and openings of the company, giving every worker the opportunity to develop and progress.
  • Mentoring and Sponsorship Programs: We offer our employees opportunities for professional advancement and advice by pairing them with peers and leaders who can offer sponsorship and mentoring. These initiatives have a special emphasis on assisting members of underrepresented groups, hence promoting fair access to chances for career progression.

Retention Strategies

  • Fostering a Supportive Culture: We understand that workplace culture and retention are intertwined. We utilize open forums for feedback, employee engagement surveys, and frequent check-ins to create a culture that is encouraging and welcoming. By identifying and addressing possible problems early on, these efforts help us make sure that every employee feels appreciated and motivated.
  • Acknowledgment and Reward: An important component of our staff retention strategy is acknowledging and rewarding their accomplishments. In addition to standard performance-based rewards, we have instituted recognition programs that honor accomplishments and contributions to our company’s diversity and inclusion objectives.

Work-Life Integration

  • Flexible Work Arrangements: We provide flexible work arrangements that promote work-life integration since we recognize the variety of needs that our employees have. This includes changeable schedules, flexible work hours, and remote work possibilities to accommodate varying life stages and personal obligations.
  • Assistance with Life Transitions: We support staff members undergoing major life changes, like taking time off to raise children, taking on caregiving duties, or pursuing more education. With this individualized guidance, employees may successfully balance their personal and professional life.

By putting these tactics into practice, EPD Architecture & Interiors hopes to draw in varied talent and foster an atmosphere where each worker feels empowered to advance and grow. Our practices for recruiting and retaining people are based on our dedication to diversity and inclusion, which guarantees that our team will always be vibrant, creative, and representative of the diverse society in which we work.


Section 7: Community Engagement and Social Responsibility

Our dedication to diversity and inclusion (D&I) at EPD Architecture & Interiors goes beyond the walls of our offices and into the communities in which we reside and work. We think it’s important to use our position, knowledge, and resources to promote underprivileged and underrepresented groups in society. Our approach to community engagement and social responsibility is guided by principles of sustainability, equity, and collaboration.

Community Partnerships

  • Developing Relationships: We proactively look for and form partnerships with regional groups, nonprofits, and academic institutions who share our dedication to advancing diversity and inclusion. Through these collaborations, we are able to support social initiatives, educational programs, and community development projects that share our beliefs.
  • Volunteer Programs: Through volunteer programs, EPD Architecture & Interiors encourages staff members to interact with our community partners. These initiatives benefit our communities while also giving our staff members worthwhile experiences that deepen their awareness of diversity and social responsibility.

Supporting Underrepresented Groups

  • Exchange Programs: In collaboration with academic institutions, our global HQ sponsors exchange programs to encourage the next generation of talent in architecture and interior design, including from underrepresented groups. The purpose of these is to lower entrance barriers into our field and encourage greater diversity in the business going forward.
  • Outreach Programs: We carry out outreach programs to inform and encourage youth to pursue careers in interior design and architecture. We seek to inspire a wider range of people to pursue these disciplines by introducing students from various backgrounds to our industry.

Sustainable Practices

  • Green Design and Sustainability: We give sustainability and eco-friendly techniques top priority in our projects and office operations. Our dedication to the wellbeing of the environment and its people is exhibited by our use of green design concepts and our reduction of carbon footprint.
  • Advocacy for Sustainable Development: We support laws and procedures that advance sustainable development both inside and outside of our sector. We hope to increase awareness and promote change toward more sustainable practices through public speaking, taking part in forums, and working with business associations.

Ethical Business Practices

  • Transparency and Integrity: The highest standards of integrity and transparency are important to EPD Architecture & Interiors as we conduct business. This pledge guarantees that our company operations have a good social impact and includes fair labor standards, ethical procurement procedures, and responsible sourcing.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We keep lines of communication open and honest with all parties involved, including customers, staff members, vendors, and community partners. We want to make more responsible and knowledgeable decisions by considering different points of view and learning from them.

With our social responsibility and community involvement programs, EPD Architecture & Interiors hopes to make a long-lasting beneficial difference in the areas we serve as well as in society at large. We think we can contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future by advocating for sustainability, supporting diversity and inclusion in all facets of our work, and adopting a proactive approach to social issues.



Section 8: Supplier Diversity Program

Our supply chain is part of EPD Architecture & Interiors’ dedication to diversity and inclusion. We understand how important it is to support diverse suppliers, which includes companies run by women, minorities, veterans, LGBTQ+ people, and people with disabilities. Our Supplier Diversity Program is intended to promote an inclusive procurement process that boosts our company’s competitiveness and innovation while also aiding in the economic development of various areas.

Program Objectives

  • Promote Economic Inclusion: Seeking out and working with various suppliers is one of our main goals in encouraging economic inclusion. With the knowledge that these companies’ expansion benefits the communities they serve on a wider economic level, we hope to support their growth.
  • Increase Supplier Diversity: By establishing specific objectives for sourcing from a variety of vendors, we are dedicated to increasing the diversity of our supplier base. To make sure we are always enhancing and broadening our reach, this entails routinely tracking and reporting on our accomplishments.

Implementation Strategies

  • Supplier Engagement and Identification: To find and interact with a variety of suppliers, we use focused tactics. This entails going to trade exhibits with a diversity theme, collaborating with organizations that offer diversity certification, and keeping a readily available database whereby prospective suppliers can express interest in doing business with us.
  • Capacity Building and Development: We provide capacity-building programs that give small and diverse suppliers the resources and know-how they need to compete successfully, understanding that these companies may encounter particular difficulties. This could involve proposal feedback, mentoring programs, and training workshops.

Monitoring and Evaluation

  • Performance indicators: We set up important performance indicators to monitor our spending with diverse suppliers, the quantity of diverse suppliers we work with, and the results of our capacity-building initiatives in order to assess the effectiveness of our supplier diversity program.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are committed to the continuous improvement of our Supplier Diversity Program. This entails responding to input from our suppliers and internal stakeholders as well as routinely assessing our policies and procedures to find opportunities for improvement.

Collaboration and Advocacy

  • Industry Collaboration: To promote the wider adoption of supplier diversity practices, we regularly work with other organizations and industry groupings. Our goal is to raise awareness of the importance of supplier diversity among more businesses by disseminating our experiences and best practices.
  • Public Advocacy: EPD Architecture & Interiors promotes supplier diversity by taking part in talks, panels, and forums to increase awareness of the value of assisting different companies. We think that in order to increase the influence of supplier diversity programs outside of our company, public organizing is essential.

Our Supplier Diversity Program is evidence of our conviction that diversity acceptance goes beyond our internal processes to the selection and relationship-building of our suppliers. In addition to helping diverse companies expand, we also help build stronger, livelier communities by promoting an inclusive procurement process. EPD Architecture & Interiors displays our dedication to creating a more fair, sustainable, and inclusive future for everyone through this program.


Section 9: Monitoring and Reporting

At EPD Architecture & Interiors, we think that open and honest reporting and monitoring are crucial to the successful execution of our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) programs and their continuous enhancement. This dedication promotes a continuous improvement culture by guaranteeing accountability and allowing us to assess our performance in relation to predetermined objectives.

Monitoring Mechanisms

  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs): To track the success of our D&I initiatives, we have set up particular KPIs. These measures encompass a range of topics, such as supplier diversity spending, employee satisfaction scores about inclusivity, participation rates in D&I training programs, and workforce diversity metrics.
  • Frequent Audits: We carry out frequent audits to make sure that our D&I data is accurate and that our initiatives are working. These audits assist in identifying areas of success as well as areas that could use improvement, enabling us to modify our strategy as necessary.

Reporting Framework

  • Internal Reporting: Our D&I progress is regularly reported to senior management and all employees through internal channels such as newsletters, intranet updates, and company-wide meetings. This internal transparency promotes a collective understanding of our D&I journey and fosters a sense of shared responsibility.

Stakeholder Feedback

  • Involving Employees: The effectiveness of our D&I program depends on employee input. We solicit feedback from our employees on the success of our diversity and inclusion (D&I) initiatives as well as areas for improvement through surveys, focus groups, and open forums.
  • Input from Partners and Suppliers: Working together with our partners and suppliers gives us new insights into our D&I initiatives. We actively seek their input in order to improve our combined influence on inclusion and diversity in our communities and industry.

Continuous Improvement

  • Actionable Insights: We use the information gathered from reporting and monitoring to make well-informed decisions on how to improve our D&I projects. Setting new goals, creating action plans, and directing resources to areas with the biggest potential for impact are all part of this process.
  • Learning and Development: We understand that diversity and inclusion (D&I) is a dynamic field, therefore it’s important to stay up to date on best practices. In order to implement innovative strategies into our program, our D&I committee constantly examines the most recent studies, research reports, and industry benchmarks.

EPD Architecture & Interiors seeks to encourage others in our business to adopt similar practices by encouraging self-accountability for our D&I goals and holding ourselves accountable for them through thorough monitoring and open reporting. Our strategy makes sure that we keep moving in the direction of building a very inclusive workplace that celebrates and benefits from diversity in all of its expressions.



Section 10: Continuous Improvement

For us at EPD Architecture & Interiors, ongoing development is essential to our Diversity and Inclusion (D&I) process. We are dedicated to a process of continuous learning, adaptation, and growth because we understand that diversity and inclusion is a dynamic field that needs constant attention and modification. Our commitment to ongoing development guarantees that our diversity and inclusion programs continue to be successful, pertinent, and consistent with our basic principles and corporate goals.

Reflective Practice and Learning

  • Regular Review Cycles: For each of our D&I projects, we have set up regular review cycles. Through these assessments, we are able to evaluate the success of our initiatives, pinpoint areas in need of development, and modify our plans in response to input and evolving requirements.
  • Learning from Challenges and Success: Learning opportunities are viewed as presented by both challenges and triumphs. Through experience analysis, we can derive valuable insights that inform our future endeavors, enabling us to expand upon our strengths and improve upon our weaknesses.

Engagement and Collaboration

  • Inclusive Feedback Loops: Engaging a wide range of voices in our continuous improvement process is crucial. We solicit feedback from employees, clients, suppliers, and community partners to ensure diverse perspectives inform our D&I efforts. This inclusive approach fosters a sense of ownership and participation across our ecosystem.
  • Cross-Industry Collaboration: Recognizing that we can learn from and contribute to the broader community, we actively seek opportunities for collaboration with other organizations. Sharing experiences and best practices with peers across industries allows us to innovate and enhance our D&I initiatives.

Innovation and Adaptation

  • Inclusive Feedback Loops: It’s critical to include a diverse variety of opinions in our process of continual improvement. To guarantee that a variety of viewpoints influence our D&I initiatives, we ask for input from staff members, customers, suppliers, and community partners. Throughout our ecosystem, this inclusive approach promotes a sense of ownership and engagement.
  • Cross-Industry Collaboration: We actively look for opportunities to collaborate with other organizations because we understand that we can benefit from and teach the larger community. Our D&I activities can be improved and brought to new heights by exchanging best practices and experiences with colleagues from different industries.

Commitment to Action

  • Action Planning: Using insights from our ongoing attempts to improve, we create detailed action plans. These plans outline the precise actions we’ll take to improve our D&I projects, along with the roles that will be allocated to them, deadlines, and expected results.
  • Resource Allocation: Because we know how important it is to support our D&I activities, we make sure that there are enough staff, funds, and time available to carry out our action plans efficiently.

EPD Architecture & Interiors exhibits our steadfast commitment to creating a more inclusive and fair workplace and community by incorporating continuous improvement into the core of our D&I approach. We are committed to moving forward every day in the direction of a more varied, inclusive, and dynamic future because we recognize that reaching our D&I goals is a journey, not a destination.